Cataclysm and Catastrophe are 20% bigger, their defense is increased from 10 to 15, and their DR is increased from 15% to 22. Rarity. It jumps towards the player at a high speed, then stands still and pants for a moment before jumping again. It requires 60 Snow Blocks, 30 Ice Blocks, and 90 Boreal Wood to craft the entire set. 5 - - added Chinese and Russian translation - fixed items' rarities - v1. Reply. It cannot be obtained in a Crimson world unless the player makes an artificial Corruption biome (e. 1. It is summoned by The Dragonfolly and is more aggressive during the fight. It would not deal contact damage, instead constantly inflicting the Bleeding debuff along with the Heavy Bleeding debuff, which reduced player's health by 3 per second in. The radius is roughly 16. Killed. 1. It is stationary and will fire Sulphurous Spikes toward the player if they are nearby. I'm kinda wondering, is there any way to solo him without resorting to the cheesy permastealth method?. Rotdog: 1. Rimehound. Gladiator's Locket. " The Clamity debuff name is a portmanteau of the word "clam" and the mod's title, "Calamity. Trivia. 1-3 Sulphuric Scales can additionally be obtained from Abyssal Crates at a 10% drop chance after. Thankfully, it has only taken turf in the lowest regions of the sunken sea. It can drop a Stormlion Mandible, which is necessary to craft the Desert Medallion. Quickly lunges at the player. ; Make sure you use this in a place where you know you can survive as enemies can quickly overwhelm the player. The Orthocera is a Hardmode aquatic enemy that spawns during tiers 2 and 3 of the Acid Rain event. Fighting him is completely optional and not required for game progression, but his defeat may reward the player with money and useful items. Its primary attack appears as a quick slash aimed in the direction of the cursor. If the bubble is popped by the player. Jump to navigation Jump to search. The Bestiary entry for the Cryon: "Within the octahedron, one can find. Rather than spawning like normal NPCs, they gradually fall from the sky while the event is ongoing, and can fall through platforms while doing so until they are at a similar height to the player. The Bestiary entry for the Cuttlefish: "Should you feel something brush your legs in the depths. The Bestiary entry for the Crimson Slime Spawn (spiked): "Embedded in these slime's bodies are shards of. The Bestiary entry for the Corrupt Slime Spawn: "They rapidly flap their wings, created from. 0. 5. It rolls and bounces towards the player, similarly to an Angry Tumbler, making a sound of impact whenever it hits the ground. ago. Killed. It drops Unholy Essence, a useful post-Moon Lord. If inflicted on a player, their damage is reduced by 25% and life regen is set to zero. Like the. 5. Here is a full list of the pets that the Calamity's Vanities mod has to offer: Pets Buff Pet Item Source Sulphurous Skater Nymph: Acid Lamp: Dropped by Sulphurous Skater: Aero Slimes:. The Chaotic Puffer is an enemy that spawns in the 3rd layer of the Abyss. He disappeared and glitched. Trivia. The tether is referred to as 'CragmawVibeCheckChain' in the mod's source files. It passively rolls back and forth, turning around upon getting close to a block. It gets. Rimehound: The Corruption: Ebonian Blight Slime • Hive Tumor: The Crimson: Crimulan Blight Slime • Perforator Cyst:Stellar Culex Banner. Page content is under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-ShareAlike 3. Pages in category "Snow biome NPCs". This, along with their ability to inflict Bleeding, makes them a dangerous enemy for unprepared players. It has two variants, which appear depending on the world's evil biome. Phase 1. The Sentinels of the Devourer are three post- Moon Lord bosses that can all be summoned with the Rune of Kos. Trivia. 5. 2 - - added journey research possibility - v1. Consult the calamity Bible, the class setup wiki. The Calamity Mod adds numerous Wulfrum enemies that can provide decent weaponry for the beginning of the game. The Toxic Minnow is an enemy that spawns in the 1st and 2nd layers of the Abyss. It can be summoned manually by using a Sandstorm's Core at any time in a Desert. Additionally, equipping the Laudanum fully negates the negative effect of the debuff and gives the. The Perennial Slime is a Hardmode slime which spawns naturally in the Cavern layer after Plantera has been defeated. Calamitas Clone is 20% smaller, her defense is reduced from 25 to 12, and her DR is reduced from 15% to 7. It is initially stationary, but when it detects a player, it attacks by sliding towards them in order to deal contact damage. The Belching Coral is a Hardmode enemy that spawns in the Sulphurous Sea after the Aquatic Scourge has been defeated. Mirage Jelly. It is initially passive, only becoming aggressive if the player attacks it or draws too close to it. 0. It attacks by accelerating towards the player for a short time, pauses, and repeats. 4. Scryllar's sprite is based on. These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod. The Radiator is a Pre-Hardmode enemy that spawns during the Acid Rain event. Alicorn Mount. Notes. The Blinded Angler is a Hardmode enemy found in the Sunken Sea biome. Stardust (2-3 / 1-4 ) 50% / 100%. Initially, it flies peacefully in one direction and turns around when it hits a block, similarly to the Sunskater. When killed, it will summon The Hive Mind. However, despite being passive, they are able to deal contact damage, and deal even more contact damage if they player touches the top of their spiked shells. This theme contains a motif from The Devourer of Gods ' theme. Leviathan is now summoned when Anahita reaches 40% health on all difficulties. Fires three spreads of sulphuric bubbles that home in on the player after a delay. They are also used to craft Bloodstone Cores, the Blood Orange. Gamma Slime. On contact it will inflict Frostburn and sometimes Chilled,. 5%. The Flak Crab is a Hardmode enemy that spawns during tiers 2 and 3 of the Acid Rain event. These projectiles rapidly lose velocity and float in mid-air; if left untouched, they will explode on their own after several seconds. It seeks out and attempts to eliminate any source of moisture it can detect entering the hellscape. 002: Bestiary icon is now animated during interaction. The worm will also occasionally fire yellow falling scraps which will linger for a bit until. 5. If inflicted on the player, they instead lose 8 health per second. The Storm Weaver is an aerial worm-like enemy with 31 / 41 / 51 / 61 segments in total. They can be caught with any type of Bug Net. Bosses: Cryogen: From Shrines:. It will fire upward bursts of falling spikes when the player draws near. Its rough shoreline is primarily composed of Sulphurous Sand, often generating with various small uneven pools of water. 5. Sounds. The Trilobite is a Hardmode enemy that spawns during tiers 2 and 3 of the Acid Rain event. Tundra Ball. This page is about the boss servant. 2. The Sunskater is a Pre-Hardmode enemy that spawns in Space. Trivia. The Rimehound is a rare Pre-Hardmode enemy that spawns in the Snow biome. The Aquatic Urchin is a Pre-Hardmode enemy that spawns in the Sulphurous Sea and in the first layer of the Abyss. The explosion radius depends on what tier of the Acid Rain event the player is currently on. It attacks by swimming towards the player in an attempt to hurt them. Supreme Witch, Calamitas has been defeated. These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod. The original artwork, made by Ox#8375, used the name "Azufre Piercer". When used, it summons a Rimehound which acts similarly to the. They are initially passive, and swim in a loop underneath the player. Due to its height and vertical orientation, it can be a challenging enemy to maneuver around. 0. This is an homage to an oversight in vanilla Terraria, where multiple Duke Fishrons can be summoned using a fishing exploit. Drops. It was fairly common and accelerated toward the player while they were submerged, sticking on them. The Ice Clasper is an uncommon Hardmode enemy that spawns in the Snow and Ice biomes. Rimehound. 2. Type. The Broken Biome Blade is a craftable Pre-Hardmode broadsword that autoswings. Darkness is a vanilla debuff that decreases the player's light vision. Page content is under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-ShareAlike 3. Not to be confused with Gulper Eel, an enemy that spawns in the lowest 2 levels of the Abyss. Alongside Calamitas, they are the final bosses of the Calamity Mod, excluding superbosses. It grants the player 30% increased melee damage and 10% increased melee critical strike chance. - v1. Also like Truffle Worms, Bloodworms cannot be used in normal fishing. Searing Lava is a debuff caused by touching lava in the Brimstone Crag biome. After being on land for long enough or having leaped out of the water enough times, they will also begin flying to attack the player. The Bloatfish is an enemy that spawns in lowest layer of the Abyss. The Tundra Leash is a Pre-Hardmode mount summoning item obtained from the Snow Biome shrine. The Devil Fish is an enemy that spawns in the 3rd layer of the Abyss . The Archaeologist's Hat cannot be crafted, and can only be obtained when. If the player gets too close to one, it will reveal itself and run away until they are far enough from the player. Instead, it can be crafted into Monster Lasagna, which actually can be eaten. 67%: Flipper: Accessory - Crafting material: Moray Eel: 1 5%. If a player enters this field, it spawns 1 / 2 Wulfrum enemies. Calamity's Vanities/Old Tennis Ball Old Tennis Ball. If the Calamity Music add-on mod is disabled, Plantera 's theme will play instead. The Scorn Eater is a post-Moon Lord enemy that spawns in the Hallow and Underworld biomes. The Angry Dog is a rare Pre-Hardmode enemy that spawns in the Snow biome. This buff has a cooldown of 30 seconds after it runs out. It behaves similarly to The Destroyer, charging at the direction at the player continuously until turning around to ram again. The Aurora Spirit is a Hardmode enemy that spawns in the Snow biome. 1. The Cryon is a Hardmode enemy that spawns in the Snow biome. Leather is a material that can be crafted from five Rotten Chunks at a Work Bench. Sounds. It slowly swims towards the player and inflicts the Brimstone Flames debuff on contact, while periodically puffing up every 5 seconds. In Death Mode. 1. Page content is under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-ShareAlike 3. Your wing time is reduced by 25%, infinite flight is disabled. Eidolists will stay in one place until they are damaged, in which they will attempt to fly towards the player, going through blocks and teleporting periodically. The Cosmic Elemental always applies the Confused debuff on hit players for. Terraria Calamity Rust and Dust 1. History. 05 seconds. 1. It moves faster as it loses more health. Incinerated by solar rays. Anahita begins charging at the player below 66% health. Each time Golem jumps it will slam into the ground, creating a line of dust particles. Target cannot move at all. 1 10% Always Pitbull Pitbull. Though they normally collide with tiles, they are able to become intangible and travel quickly through tiles in order to reach the player. Statistics. It walks towards the player relatively slowly in an attempt to do damage, and inflicts the Electrified debuff on contact. The Bandit is an NPC vendor that provides a plethora of weapons and accessories that tailor to the Rogue class. 모드의 버전 업에 따라 일부 누락된 정보, 구정보, 오정보가 있을 수 있으므로, 나무위키는 참고로 하고 제대로 된 정보는 공식. It jumps and charges towards the player in an attempt to deal damage. Flare orbs cause two pillars to appear on either side of the player regardless of enrage. It increases melee damage and critical strike chance by 25%, and reduces the player's contact damage by 50%. It swims around when not aggressive, but as soon as the player gets too near or hits it, it will swim in their direction and attempt to attack them. 0. Quickly lunges at the player. Similarly to a Dungeon Spirit, it has a 16. If inflicted on an enemy, they lose 30 health per second.